Cognitive overload (#sol24 Day 19/31)

People (you know, people out there in the big ol' world) talk about cognitive load. Have you heard this recently? The cognitive load conversation being the thoughts and realizations about the amount of usable information we can actually hold in our short-term memory at one time? Well. In my opinion, the intentional cognitive load of... Continue Reading →

My words are gone (#sol24 Day 13/31)

I'm tired. My brain has left the building before the end of my contract day. Since I am left holding nothing inspirational to share with the slicing community today, I'll leave my daily literary smiles in the hands of the experts, aka My Students... Here's one: See that? It's a whale shark. Yep. They're the... Continue Reading →

When our words stick (#sol24 Day 12/31)

The coolest thing happened in my first grade writing class today. Backstory: I have a young writer (we’ll call him James) who has just become an independent letter creator. He now knows them all and how to (mostly) form them correctly. This progression is, as we all know, huge. Despite the massive skill gaps between... Continue Reading →

(#sol24 Day 7/31)

I had to completely ditch my lesson plan for writing today. BUT it was for an excellent reason! Let me explain… We’re in the middle of an opinion writing unit in both first and second grade. All writers are doing a great job of clearly stating their opinion, supporting their statement with examples and details,... Continue Reading →

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