Wordle poems (#sol24 Day 27/31)

My own version of Found Poetry came from the Wordle the other day. Aren’t I so nice? I saved this idea until a few days after that particular Wordle so I wouldn’t wreck it for anyone. Ahem… houselonermoteltowel~ my Wordle brain Sometimes those random starts grow a little scene! 🧩

Acrostic Sunday (#sol24 Day 17/31)

Sleep is great and all but setting an alarm to meet Dad for a day together is better. Keeping up with a smooth and speedy 80 year old can be shockingly tricky. Interesting humans are hiding in lift lines and on the chair next to you. Inferring comes in handy when looking at the weather... Continue Reading →

A Friday Haiku (#sol24 Day 8/24)

Here’s a little haiku from my exhausted brain to your hopefully less exhausted eyeballs: Today is slowing. Large flakes lazily drift down. Is it time to sleep? (Insider info: I’m really hoping the answer is YES! 😴) Happy weekend. ❤️

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