It’s true! My phone told me so! (#sol24 Day 28/31)

Anemia wins today and I am totally tapped out. A slow morning stroll with the loaner pooch is the extent of my available output, so up the road we went.

Of course I took some pictures.

What’s that? Oh, sure, I’ll show ‘em to ya.

Here’s one of a resilient tree, hanging on through years of wind, snow, erosion, sun, and all of the other wildness that Colorado can dish out:

I mean, if that cool curved trunk can make it through life’s ups and downs, then so can I, right?!

Uh… sure.

Okay, whatever. Here’s another one:

I love how they jut right out of the red rock, like they’re fully defying all that’s thrust their way. Actually, that life message seems to better match my snarkiness today. Wanna take me down, anemia? Just watch me give myself time to rest up and refuel like a mf’in badass. Take that!

That second photo prompted my iPhone to do that thing where it offers me some additional information about the species shown therein. Perhaps you’re familiar with that prompt?

Oh, cool. Perhaps you’re also wondering about the specific species I managed to capture in that second photo?


You’re in luck.


Check out what clearly lives among the piñons and the junipers and the sandstone:


Would you look at that.

A koala, you say?!


Well, hell. If my phone says it’s true, then it must be true, right?!

Colorado. Land of the koalas.


3 thoughts on “It’s true! My phone told me so! (#sol24 Day 28/31)

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  1. Oh my gosh, this is an absolute delight to read – first of all, the gorgeous photos, then your utterly hilarious narrative. Not convinced you can hang on like the trees in these rocks? Yet they have you challenging your anemia. And then…the koala sent me over the edge (a soft landing, not on terrain like this, but really, it did). Who knew, right??? Why go to Australia when you can go to Colorado? Surely there’s a moral in this somewhere about unquestionably trusting one’s phone…I loved every line of this.

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