Wordle poems (#sol24 Day 27/31)

My own version of Found Poetry came from the Wordle the other day. Aren’t I so nice? I saved this idea until a few days after that particular Wordle so I wouldn’t wreck it for anyone. Ahem… houselonermoteltowel~ my Wordle brain Sometimes those random starts grow a little scene! 🧩

Yikes, it’s Tuesday! (#solTuesday)

Merry Christmas, happy Tuesday, and a joyous final full week of 2018 to you! I hope your day was filled with smiles, laughter, family, friends, love, and lots of good cheer. Throw in some soft snow and a free breakfast, and that's what my day was like! ❤️🎄⛷❄️✨

Nineteen (#solTuesday)

Ever notice a certain number following you around through your days? Most recently, the number 19 has been stalking my literary intakes... 19: the page of Jessamyn Stanley's book that was referenced in the Free Cookies podcast I just listened to (you gotta check it out - Kathryn Budig and Kate Fagan are incredible). Being... Continue Reading →

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