This Time Last Year (Day 13/31 #sol21)

This time last year, school was shut down under emergency COVID protocols. Now, we’ve been in-person since Halloween.

This time last year, our ski areas were shut down under emergency COVID protocols. Now, the skiing’s still great.

This time last year, Mike and I were on our way up for a hut trip in the middle of a few weeks of crazy big touring adventures. Now, we’re clocking zero backcountry hours because our snowpack is crazy dicey.

This time last year, we thought that a time change, a full moon, and Friday the 13th would create a heinous week for teachers. Now, we snicker at that combo.

This time last year, we were full of fear and uncertainty. Now, there’s still a little fear and there’s still some uncertainty, but there’s also a ton more knowledge, a vaccine push, a life of safety built around masks and distancing, and hopefully more sunny days ahead.

Just imagine what kind of a blog post I might write this time NEXT year…


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