What Did I Feel Today? (Day 27/31 #sol22)

I felt sweat dripping from my eyelashes, my fingertips pulling and pushing, my core stabilizing, and my ankle finally trying to point as I found my breath and my balance in three seperate handstands in hot yoga this morning.

I felt the prickle and shock of the cold river water as I set my ankle into the silty, bumpy, and snowmelt-fueled flow behind the yoga studio after class.

I felt the weight and the warmth of the sun as I lay out on the deck where I’m house/pet-sitting, reminding myself of what shedding layers outside in the fresh air is all about.

I felt the weight of my book falling off of my chest this afternoon, as the dog’s barks woke me from a very unplanned nap on the couch.

I felt my brain and my heartrate start to amp back up again when I dumped out a new and challenging puzzle on the table.

I felt my face soften and my breath deepen when I realized that I still have a whole other week of living life at this luxurious kind of pace.

I felt grateful.


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