Par for the course (#sol24 Day 24/31)

This morning was 53°F and partly sunny. Roads were dry, breeze was warm, blue skies were poking through, and no outer layers were required. Louis the dog, who I get to hang with for the next week, went for a backyard stroll with me and we had this as our backdrop:

As we walked up the quiet road, my eyes caught on the red rock, the patches of blue sky, the green whips of grass that were being so very brave, and these fresh yellow beauties.

Of course, because it’s March in the Colorado mountains, it looks wildly different outside than it did just a few hours ago.

Now it’s 32°F, feels like 25°F, and it’s dumping snow.


Wonder how those little yellow bits of flowery sunshine are feeling right about now?!


One thought on “Par for the course (#sol24 Day 24/31)

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  1. What gorgeous descriptions! I love how you brought the view to life with your words (as well as your photos). I especially loved this detail: “the green whips of grass that were being so very brave” And I love the abruptness of how you switched to the new weather–it mirrored the actual weather so well!

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